A Representation Agreement allows you to authorize someone else (known as your Representative) to make medical decisions for you, both major and minor.
A Power of Attorney can be a very powerful personal planning tool, allowing a person of your choosing (known as your Attorney) to make financial and property decisions for you.
A lawyer can provide you with advice around estate planning so that your wishes are clear and easy to follow, you are aware of the obligations of your Executor and rights of beneficiaries.
When you die without a Will, the law including the Wills, Estates and Succession Act governs the manner in which your assets are distributed. While you can apply to the court to…
A Will gives your executor (the person you choose to be in charge) to distribute your assets to your family and friends (known as Beneficiaries) in accordance with your wishes.
Not every asset will need to go through probate. Some examples of assets which will not need to go through probate are: real estate if it is owned in joint…
The process of obtaining an Order for Probate can take anything from a few weeks to several months depending on the complexity of the Estate. Some of the mandatory requirements…
A Probate Tax is payable on the value of the estate for assets owned in British Columbia as follows: The basic fee payable for the application for probate is $200.…
A “Grant of Probate” is obtained when a person dies with a Will. The named executor(s) of the Will applies to court to manage and distribute the estate in accordance…